Free job search help for all Berkeley Students

Write the perfect Resume, build Cover Letters, automatically apply to jobs, and more with AI-powered job search tools.

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Learn more about the free tools provided to Berkeley Students

Get Access To These Tools

Cover Letter Writer

Write personalized, unique Cover Letters for any job in less than 60 seconds.

Resume Summary Writer

First impressions matter. Write an optimized Resume summary for the top of your Resume.

Resume Bullet Writer

Show off your skills and experience with tailored Resume bullet points based on your past work experience.

Find Your Next Job

Find the perfect next job based on your skills, interests, salary expectations, and career goals.

Explore Any Job

Gain insights into various job roles and their responsibilities. Understand exactly what the day to day would look like.

Research Any Company

Prepare for upcoming interviews by quickly researching any company to learn key information and insights.

...and more launching every month!

Your next job is a click away

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